COVID-19 Update

Warm Greetings,

On Thursday July 16th, 2020, the Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that restricted access to congregate living sites would change to allow all residents the opportunity to receive support from loved ones and/or support agencies. 

These changes will come into effect July 23, 2020.

Each resident or alternate decision maker will have the opportunity to identify two (2) designated/support individuals who will be allowed access into the Centre and into the named residents individual suite. Please note that these visitors will not have access to the common areas and must go directly to the resident’s suite. Identified designated/support visitors must be at least 18 years of age or older.

I ask that residents or alternate decision makers begin to call the office on Monday July 20, 2020 from 9am-4pm to identify their designated support visitors. The Centre will create a master list for administration reference when visitors begin to arrive at the facility. Please note that no visitors will be permitted access into the building if they are not on the list or have special approval from administration.

All visitors will be required to arrive through the main facility entrance only, complete health screening (including a temperature check), wear a mask continuously while indoors and sanitize their hands upon entry and exit. Please note that visitors must only visit with the resident they are supporting.

Further information regarding indoor/outdoor guidelines will be issued next week and delivered to residents via mailbox and posted on our website and on Facebook.

Should you have any questions please feel free to call me at 587-525-8708 or email

 Best Regards,

Wanda Beaudoin
Chief Operating Officer
St. Andrew’s Centre

Get In Touch

12720 – 111 Ave Edmonton, AB