COVID-19 Update

Effective May 31, 2021, certain restrictions will be lifted from our Centre. Please review the information provided below in relation to the Centre being a NON OUTBREAK site for recreation activity, volunteers, isolation/quarantine requirements for residents returning from hospital, travel and general outings as well as if you have been in contact with a person known/suspected of having COVID. Some restrictions being lifted are based on vaccination status. Please note that these items can be changed at any time by the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Additionally, all Provincial and Municipal mandates should be respected and followed as they apply to us all.

Resident to Resident Contact

It is imperative that residents who are not isolated or quarantined are not restricted from visiting with each other in natural, self-directed ways within the building.

  • Physical distancing is not required between non-isolated/non-quarantined residents who are participating in self-directed activities (socializing in the atrium, residents’ suites, etc).
  • Masking internally within the Centre for residents only is not mandatory but continues to be strongly encouraged at this time. Staff and visitors must continue to be continuously masked on site.

Resident Outings, Overnight Stays, Returns from Hospital, New Tenancy

  • Residents fully vaccinated: health assessment upon return, no further precautions.
  • Residents with 1 dose or unvaccinated: Health assessment upon return, twice daily self-checks for 14 days for signs and symptoms of COVID.
  • Residents returning from a health care facility that is on outbreak must quarantine for 14 days upon return to site.

****Should a resident who is not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated return from an offsite/overnight outing where they were at a higher risk of potential exposure to COVID-19, it is recommended that they wear a mask when outside of their room for 14 days.

Recreation Programs/Supplies

  • The Centre will provide residents with access to recreational supplies/equipment (e.g. books, playing cards, art supplies, fitness equipment, etc.). Most supplies are in the games room storage closet and will remain in that room. Residents may access the area at any time to retrieve the items.
  • Cleaning and disinfection between each use and instruct people who are touching the items to sanitize their hands immediately before and after using the item and throughout the period of use should the situation require (e.g. coughing, touching face, etc.).
  • Low risk activities should be resumed (e.g. worship services, crafts, exercise, games, indoor and outdoor performances including singers, music, etc.) This includes puzzles in alcoves-Please sanitize your hands before and after use when puzzle making.
  • Both indoor and outdoor groups sizes can be determined by the Centre based on the size of their space and the ability to address other public health guidance.
  • Volunteers are welcomed on site provided continuous masking is practiced and hand hygiene is completed.

Garden Café

Group dining will continue for non-isolated/non-quarantined residents while maintaining the

following standards:

  • No maximum on how many residents can sit at each table as long as tables are placed two (2) meters apart.
  • Family/visitors are not able to join the resident for a social mealtime in the Café and Common spaces (ex: Atrium).
  • Ensure residents use hand sanitizer immediately before their meal and immediately after their meal.

Get In Touch

12720 – 111 Ave Edmonton, AB